related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.
Looking for a perfect and strategic communication & dissemination opportunity for your EU project?
Showcase your EU project at SDEWES 2023 by organizing a Conference Side Event!
Dubrovnik SDEWES 2023 conference provides an opportunity to bring much deserved attention to projects focused on any topic covered by the conference scope.
Host a side event dedicated to your project in Dubrovnik! A limited number of additional conference rooms are at our disposal at hotel Valamar Lacroma in Dubrovnik during the conference week.
Don't miss this opportunity!
Details and pricing
One 2 hour slot session, plus delivering materials, and placing roll ups in hall, 5340 EUR until May 31, 6660 EUR from June 1. The listed price covers full conference participation for 6 delegates and a dedicated time slot (selected by you) in the conference schedule. Project side event will be listed in the confernece website (side events section) and schedule page (linking to the event on the events section)
Get more information or send your EU project side event proposal to sdewes2023@sdewes.org.
Date: Friday, 29th September 2023
Time: 9:00-11:00
Room: TBD
Chair: Prof. Goran Krajačić
Successful projects are crucial for achieving sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems so SDEWES centre provides all conference participants opportunity to present their projects through short pitch presentation up to 5 slides and 5 minutes presentations.
Application for event is possible through COMET system.
Featured projects:
The final conference of the project "Investigating energy transition pathways – interrelation between power-to-X, demand response and market coupling"– INTERENERGY , funded by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project number IP-2019-04 9482, will take place, as a side event of the SDEWES 2023 Conference, at 13:30, on Tuesday, September 26th 2023 in the ROOM A. The special event chair and project leader is prof. Neven Duić from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
The INTERENERGY project deals with interrelation between different power-to-x and demand response technologies and market coupling in the energy transition. Role of these technologies is investigated from the context of market coupling, which is already underway in the European Union. The key research question is how to achieve the balanced integration of different power-to-X and demand response technologies, determine their optimal mix and avoid unnecessary technological lock-ins. In order to achieve this, new H2RES energy planning tool is being developed to model the behaviour of power-to-X and demand response technologies. On this event, participants will have the opportunity to get detailed information about the new, open source long-term energy planning model, which is developed with particular emphasis on the technologies that can enable energy transition towards 100% RES-based energy systems.
Also, a round table featuring the most prominent researchers in the field of energy planning will take place, with the hot topic of advances in energy system modelling, including the modelling of various e-fuels, energy conversions needed for balancing of the smart 100% RES-based systems and their management.
Project website: https://interenergy.wp.fsb.hr/
H2RES tool website: https://h2res.org/
13:30-13:45 | Results of the INTERENREGY project |
Prof. Neven Duić |
13:45-14:15 | Emerging modules in H2RES model – expanding towards IAMs and multi-zonal options |
Prof. Felipe Feijoo |
14:15-15:30 | Round table on the advances in the modelling of smart energy systems based 100% on renewable energy |
Prof. Neven Duić, Prof. Iva Ridjan Skov, Prof. Henrik Lund, Prof. Ingo Stadler, Prof. Fei Wang, Prof. Felipe Feijoo, Prof. Daniele Groppi |
Prof. Neven Duić is a full professor at the Power Engineering at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. He is Member of Strategic Committee for research infrastructure since 2017, Member of National committee for tracking European Commission's Framework programs for research and technology development since 2011, Co-ordinator of Croatian participation of 50 international scientific research projects. Prof. Neven Duić published over 400 research papers, of which 206 in journals (of which 177 in journals referred in SCI/CC) He was cited 6523 times in Scopus and 55165 times in WoS. He gave more than 180 invited and keynote lectures. Professor Duić established himself as an expert in field of energy planning, with special focus on modelling potential energy transition pathways. This include notable work that resulted with publications in highly citated scientific journals related to renewable energy sources, demand response technologies, integration of Power-to-heat, and Power-to-X technologies and similar. Additionally, his research focus is on developing potential energy transition pathways and strategies that include case study analysis with an aim of demonstrating the viability of 100% renewable energy systems. He coordinated research teams in more than 50 international scientific projects funded through Horizon 2020, Interreg and other funding bodies.
Full CV: http://powerlab.fsb.hr/nduic/
Prof. Felipe Feijoo is an associate professor at the school of Industrial Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV) and a visiting scholar at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, where he worked as a post-doctorate research associate and a principal developer of the H2RES model during the implementation of INTERENERGY project (2020-2021). He worked as a post-doctorate research associate at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI-PNNL) and at the Johns Hopkins University's Systems Institute. While at JHU, he also had the opportunity to work at the MIT Collaborative Initiatives.
His research is broadly focused on the analysis of energy systems and their interaction with the climate-environment and other sub-systems. To do so, he developed (model and solve) a variety of mathematical models based on Mixed Complementarity Problems (MCP), Bi-level optimization models and statistical models. Other research interests include health-economics and predicting-forecast modeling using machine learning techniques (data analytics). He has also worked and led several projects at the Tampa Electric Company (TECO), Florida. He is cited 336 times on Scopus and has an h-index of 12.
Mr. Antun Pfeifer is an expert in energy planning and modelling of energy systems with main scientific contributions focused on the modelling of energy systems in transition from fossil fuel-based ones towards zero-emissions energy systems based on renewable energy. His main field of interest includes energy planning, modelling of energy systems, integration of variable renewable energy sources, use of demand response and storage technologies and energy markets. He develops new solutions for modelling of energy systems with comprehensive approach, using simulation approach, optimization approach, market integration and mathematical approaches as the game theory for multiple interconnected energy systems planning on a coupled day-ahead power market. He participated in the implementation of 12 international scientific projects funded by Horizon 2020, Interreg, IPA, EUKI and other funding bodies. Mr. Pfeifer is an author of 13 scientific journal publications indexed on Scopus. He has an h-factor of 8, with 192 citations.
In the EU, 15 million people live on 2,400 inhabited islands, whose energy systems are usually small and isolated ecosystems. Some of the main challenges that these islands face are:
Scaling up renewables, energy efficiency, energy storage and clean transport are the key challenges that can lead to a more stable supply of clean and sustainable energy, as well as to an island energy self-sufficiency and security supply, while contributing to the fight against climate change.
INSULAE project fosters the deployment of innovative solutions for the EU islands decarbonization by developing and demonstrating at 3 Lighthouse Islands (located in Croatia, Denmark and Portugal) a set of interventions linked to 7 replicable Use Cases. INSULAE contributes to the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative by providing Action Plans for the islands to generate their own sustainable, low-cost energy.
The project team is carefully balanced along all the value chain counting five public authorities, six energy and water utilities, four technology providers, two energy software developers, six RTOs, one environment NGO, one business models expert, one engineering company and one entity for social aspects and replication.
The Special Session „Smart Islands – Leading the energy transition“ at the 18th SDEWES Conference will bring together contributors of the INSULAE project disseminating the action plans and main outcomes. The results will be available for a wide replication plan and decarbonisation of EU islands.
With funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, the ‘Low-carbon society: an enhanced modelling tool for the transition to sustainability’ (LOCOMOTION) aims to design a new IAM (Integrated Assessment Model) to provide policymakers and relevant stakeholders with a reliable and practical modelling system to assess the feasibility, effectiveness, costs and ramifications of different sustainability policy options. By doing so, LOCOMOTION will help them to identify the most effective transition pathways towards a low-carbon society.
Building on existing IAMs developed by the EU-funded MEDEAS project, and including knowledge from other relevant models (World6, TIMES, LEAP, GCAM, C-Roads, etc.), a number of substantive improvements are planned with respect to the state-of-the-art in energy- economy-environment modelling. Drawing on research teams from different European countries, the improved IAM (Wiliam model) is the product of interdisciplinary work in data management, policy and scenario assessment, as well as the system dynamic modelling of relevant environmental, economic, social, technological and biophysical variables.
Time |
Introduction |
16:00 – 16:10 |
Iñigo Capellán Pérez |
Demography & Society module |
16:10 – 16:20 |
Gonzalo Parrado |
Economy & Financial module |
16:20– 16:35 |
Iñaki Arto |
Energy module |
16:35 – 16:45 |
Lukas Eggler |
Materials module |
16:45 – 16:55 |
Ole van Allen |
Environment module |
16:55 – 17:10 |
Noelia Ferreras Alonso, Mohamed Lifi |
Intermodule links |
17:10 – 17:15 |
Iñigo Capellán Pérez |
Discussion |
17:15 – 17:45 |
Neven Duic |
Apps & demo |
17:45 – 18:00 |
Roger Samsó |
Join us online via ZOOM or LIVE STREAMING
Organization team:
Prof. Luis Javier Miguel González, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
Dr. Íñigo Capellan Perez, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
Prof. Neven Duić, SDEWES Center, Zagreb, Croatia
Trends in energy policy indicate the necessary changes in the system of planning and drafting of strategic documents and long-term energy and climate plans. Therefore, this project includes research and development of an integrated solution that consists of different modules, such as a module for optimizing energy generation and consumption, a module for energy system planning and monitoring its security and vulnerability, as well as models for simulating changes in energy production and consumption, for comprehensive drafting of long-term strategic energy and climate plans.
09:00 - 09:15 | Golja, Daniel: Why integrated energy and climate planning is of utmost importance in contemporary energy systems |
09:15 - 09:30 | Čop, Tomislav: Long-term planning of energy demand in LEAP, taking into account climate and policy requests and constraints |
09:30 - 09:45 | Balić, Dražen: Development of integrated electricity market and network models in order to assess resource adequacy and vulnerability of the power system (PLEXOS vs. PSS/E) |
09:45 - 10:00 | Dorotić, Hrvoje: Mapping of wind potential and optimal way of its utilization – main challenges and lessons learned |
10:00 - 10:15 | TBC: European experience on energy system modelling |
10:15 - 11:00 | Roundtable |